Power smoothie

cukesand tomatoesWhat is a power smoothie?

It is a smoothie that saves you $$ at the juice bar.

It is sweet but will not throw you off your diet!

It is a drink that has colors of different vegetables and fruits in it.

A power smoothie supports Quick recovery from a tough workout or class.20180901_152401[1]


You need

A blender, a glass and

a stainless steel straw to stir/drink with  @theoriginalbobabuddy

1/3 cup Cherry tomatoes, 1/3 cup red grapes, 1/3 cup spinach leaves, 1/3 cup of a cucumber sliced,1/3 cup of blackberries and 1/2 cup of low calorie lemon juice  (see Trader Joes  Lo Cal Lemon Juice) 1/3 cup apple slices optional

Blend until everything is pulpy.

Pour into a glass and drink it —Pulp and juice. Then pour water into the same glass to drink down any remaining pulp  Repeat until the glass is clear. This usually takes  1-2 glasses in addition to your smoothie. There will be smoothie left in the blender. Put it in the fridge and have some before going to bed using the same hydration technique. Yes you will get up some time during the night to urinate. but your muscles will thank you for it. This technique will also promoter a flatter stomach since you will probably have elimination of your bowels within an hour  awakening.

If you train your body to work with your smoothie  your metabolism will respond and may become more responsive which means you can add more protein throughout the day for muscles or ketogenic weight loss diets.

Other colors work too- watch this blog for more combinations  that will be taste tested first. Of course if you have some ideas instagram me  @margofitnesstrainer  or comment here https://vimeo.com/251080472 after you try either the smoothie or the abs workout.






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inflammation is the enemy BUT… there is an anti inflammation tea …

if you need the recipe scroll to end where there is a picture of another cup
imagesInflammation can shorten your life when inflammation is Chronic- Am I trying to scare you ? No. But take a journey with the herbalists the CAM people and see where the value of having a multi- pronged approach just may be the thing that makes your cancer bearable, or your diabetes less  oppressive ,  your lupus more manageable and finally- your joints less creaky.


When I was studying Nutrition at CUNY Brooklyn College. there was a Senior Seminar class where we had to research a topic and the complementary or alternative medicine approach to it. The idea was to be able to present it as if we were at a conference. The professor Dr Schnoll  encouraged us to look at our topic as a part of a health care team approach.

But sadly nutritionists and dietitians  are only on the team with the oncologist or the surgeon when the doctor is exposed to CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) upon the insistence of the patient, and can consult with a board certified Alternative Medicine trained doctor . That means this person actually has TWO medical degrees. Rarely the wholly CAM  or Alternative Medical person is brought in. Anyone else with this “esoteric” knowledge might as well be a shaman- since they are not Clinically trained.  Clinically trained  means rotations in an allopathic  hospital in the United States . 6 years of this, and you are not tempted to learn even more medical systems. You want to get going…

Similar series of training exists for RDs. Again 6 years. Brooklyn College CUNY runs a clinical program approved by the Board of the Academy of Nutritionists and Dietitians. Result – a  master degree , some specialization and continuing education , and state licensing  = RD  status.

Registered dietitians have to  be  network savvy professionals so  doctors that send them patients. But it helps if the doctor is also not adverse to the idea of alternative non Pharmaceutical therapies, like cannabis oil , or turmeric tea mixes, etc. Since most English speaking Doctors on BOTH sides of the pond  receive less than 6 weeks of Nutrition training , do not expect synergy between the doctor and any dietitian – even when the RD  is on the same hospital staff as the MD who is your physician.  You will have to do

  1. your own research (and it had better be peer reviewed in some major journal in the Western World- the internet article you got has to be University sourced with studies etc…)
  2.  hope its covered by insurance
  3. be able to afford it if it is NOT covered by insurance
  4. Sell the idea to your medical team – or find another team

SO keeping the above in mind I did my presentation on Inflammation .


Inflammation is an immune response. In other words inflammation is the body’s army being called to the battlefield.

There are times when you want that army not to be so aggressive. When the inflammation is chronic , you have a state of injury on the battlefield that never ends, because they army that defends your body does not let up. The continued presence of the  immune system army is actually causing more problems. That is why medical literature can say that diabetes or lupus or rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease.  The body Never really heals, and it  (inflammation ) runs in cycles, so the blood stream itself stays in an inflammatory state.



My research looked into CAM alternatives to cortisol; a steroidal hormone that can be injected into joints that are swelling beyond creaky- think Joe Namath on Cortisone .The body produces cortisol-  that is how most women get through childbirth-

However,  in the case of cortisol and joints – too much of it actually can cause damage. That damage often manifests itself as RA or Rheumatoid arthritis.

The drugs that get digested by the stomach cannot get to your knee – and the quickest approach was to make an injectable alternative to Cortisone. Definitely  needed was something that could get your immune army not to go bonkers every time  you overdid it using your knee joint – and the timing of that injectable plus aspirin would be cheaper and more sustainable that Cortisone shots.

Deep research showed that certain countries have lower incidences of RA, particularity in South East Asia, where curry is a daily food component. For once, the big Pharma companies looked into the fact that these Asian populations were not taking shots, or pills that relieved inflammation- in fact access to medicine was limited so it must be the diet- the almost daily intake of curry .

What is in Curry that makes it so effective in a oral intake situation? Does the body adapt as a result?

Senior Seminar covers mechanisms of nutrition in the human body and we studied Adaptogens  which is a class of herbal  items that over time get the body into a state of resiliency. My go to source  was based on research, not Medical Traditions such as Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM or Ayurvedic Medicine . At 455 pages all the chemistry and potential medical uses of the major spices and herbs common to Asian Cooking are here  https://catbull.com/alamut/Bibliothek/Chemistry_of_Spices.pdf

tumericThe curry in Asian cuisine acts as an adaptogen if there is almost daily intake of Turmeric- (Curcurmin in Turmeric , the active ingredient that controls  inflammation is – still being studied  and it is not always sourced ,so the little amount in your hotdog mustard will not work …   

In this tea , food grade turmeric is utilized . Food grade turmeric is actually sold in Indian & Carribean stores . Food Grade Turmeric in a bag is  better than the canned or bottled versions sold in Western Supermarkets, or the pills in expensive health food stores ). The less processing the better/ it is just a powdered root anyway.

But know the anti inflammatory reputation of ONLY turmeric  may even be in dispute : When the blood runs through a joint that tends toward constant re injury and a overbearing immune response (inflammation)and that blood contains turmeric- the inflammation is not so bad.That is why synergy is so important- and a tea  mix may be better than pure turmeric – which does not dissolve , but eventually gets into the system anyway.

But in order to stop inflammation altogether in a joint, or to bring it down to a manageable level , (1) Turmeric (active ingredient Curcurmin) had to be directly applied and probably worked best in a mix that delivered it and kept it in the joint over several days , and worked well with other classic anti inflammatory medicines like aspirin. So my power point, and  paper  explored the research of  a pharmaceutical company . This company was on the verge of  a product a doctor could prescribe and a dietitian could support with an additional ongoing intake of the same ingredient ,so that the drug would actually act quicker when needed.  I wrote about the drug in its testing on Human subjects stage. The drug has not been produced in the US – instead the manufacturer used another route to the immune response . Yet I wondered how many other situations let Big Pharma and a nutrient complement each other ? CAM Complimentary Alternative Medicine in the house!


I read the papers, Russian, Indian etc. The report was not easy to write, and not being subject to RA, I forgot all about it, after I got my grade. Then one day some careless New York driver pulled to the curb at the light  and opened the Driver side Door into my right knee in the Bike lane on Atlantic Avenue at 5 30 AM just before my first Spinning (TM) class !! I was One Block Away and I dragged myself to the studio. Teaching  with an ice bag on my knee/ Sitting on the Spinning Bike but not riding it. Ice did not noticeably bring the swelling down.

When my boss arrived at 8 AM he immediately sent me to the hospital,  where I was informed that I had torn the menisci ligament . They gave  me an NSAID Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug –  Naproxen  and put me on crutches. Months later, wearing a knee brace of neoprene and my go to topical salve Tiger Balm/ I did not know that it contained 2 herbal ingredients that specifically address inflammation  Cloves and Camphor (2) The smell due to terpenes(3) structure of the cloves and the camphor are anti inflammatory because they  accept an  electron or two and move the histamines out like a magnet moves steel shavings.

Oh sorry -I was  assuming that you know that histamines- a big blocky protein is part of the immune /inflammatory response.  Get rid of the boulders and the river flows nicely – the bloodstream is not sending more madmen downstream to beat up on my knee injury site….

Unfortunately you can not eat camphor and too many cloves can be acidic to the gut. Yet You can make a tea -(for some reason its known as detox tea) that provides anti- inflammatory ingredients to the blood stream and over time if faithfully imbibed, will act as an adaptogen and help keep residual inflammation to a minimum .


If detox is the mechanism by which unwanted materials are removed by the body ;the GI tract does a very good job of eliminating waste, and the lymph system (armpits etc) is like the malware/spybot removal system .Both removal systems renew themselves even as they are working- you get a new GI tract cell replacement every 3-4 days, so what is with the detox ? People should call it cleanup-  There is nothing toxic involved, even if the lymph system beats up on that flu virus that you managed not to get sick with. No such thing as detox It is  actually  Elimination – let us be clear about how things work so you can pick up on the CAM that works and not be hoodwinked into thinking that All Cyanosides  in seeds  and peach pit pits destroys cancer  (Apricot pits did have some effect and was  patented as Laetrile)

The hope that plants can cure us is not unfounded. Hippocrates said let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. But that concept works only when there is the absence of disease or injury . You can stay healthy if you are healthy. You can attempt  stay well if you are willing to combine modern chemistry – a drug or two  that mimics nature faster with good old slow mo herbal medicine/foods  Also Based On Sound Chemistry.   Even the FDA is getting on Board these days https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/ethnobotany/medicinal/ingredients.shtml


So Called Detox tea The NON Ginger version is Anti Inflammatory and is made of the following foods and spices  Powder form of  Cinnamon /Cayenne/  Turmeric and then add heated citrus juice or heated cider. The whole idea is that all these ingredients work together. Turmeric is very hard to get into the body by itself. It needs to be made Bio -Available.

Cloves  or other aromatic options to use cardamon or nutmeg which is what you see in Moroccan Tea. But peppermint(as used in the ritual hospitality of Moroccan Tea)  may change the taste -Tea in this case should stick to red colors/flavors. 


NOTE: this is not the cooking spice Cayenne   as  a  40 ,000 HU capsule       (Not food grade cayenne) Use Only 1/4 of a Capsule  per cup

Typical Cayenne source for tea is not a Culinary Source and is strongly suggested  you use the 1/4 of the Capsule  at 40 K HU because this is how Turmeric is delivered into the body  – with  a pepper. Some people use black pepper but Cayenne is quicker for  turmeric absorbance on a cellular level.   images

 NOTE: this is not the cooking spice Cayenne   as  a  40 ,000 HU capsule= Use Only 1/4 of a Capsule  per cup Or you will be ON FIRE! 

  1. In  A Coffee Cup  1/4 teaspoon of the cinnamon ,turmeric and powered cloves
  2. 1/4 Capsule of Cayenne @ 40,000 Heat Units (450 mg split up over 4 times –open the capsule and sprinkle a little in the tea) DO NOT USE THE WHOLE CAPSULE
  3. Fill up cup with hot water or Hot citrus juice or hot apple cider. Keep refilling the cup until all the turmeric has been ingested . Can have several cups a day.
  4. DO NOT ADD SUGAR let the citrus/cider  provide the flavor

( Note that the list is Composed of ONLY herbs that are  called Culinary spices) This tea utilizes Culinary Not Medicinal herbs/spices, which is why Ginger is left out- Ginger can interfere with existing medications by amplifying the effects of  prescription drugs  prescribed to Control Your Hypertension by EITHER  slowing down blood clumping  OR preventing clotting. You know who you are…

Always ask your doctor first- he or she may not know but at least you gave them a heads up…. Let them do the research and get back to you – Unless you are into reading peer reviewed medical journals and can figure this out for yourself  – make your health care team do what you pay them to do- get you some elbow room to manage  whatever is ailing you … I saw this work with a client of mine who fought several bouts of Breast Cancer :she had a CAM Chinese trained/Western trained Doctor, an Oncologist, A Nutritionist trained in CAM, and Me- her personal trainer who was learning CAM at the time. She worked in the Pharmacological Advertising business. Many a session of training had her explaining to me how something worked so they could do some fun cartoon for it …or some gorgeous electron microscope photograph of the virus that the drug  designed to target11B_4_HIV_2_Mthe problem. Example:

(this is a poor T Cell  (Blue)   being attacked by HIV (yellow)



Because this tea is composed of Culinary spices/herbs it will take months @ 3 to notice that your joints feel better . You may get faster results if you clean up your intake of alcohol (@1 month of NO ALCOHOL usually works) As for it assisting with lupus inflammatory episodes or diabetes this tea has to be tolerable in the stomach and it may be too acidic for some people. This is when you should cook with it instead and call it your curry juice – cook your vegetables, rice, potatoes, meat, etc in it. Good luck and let sugarscience know how it is working for you.



Click to access Chemistry_of_Spices.pdf


(2) https://www.jointhealthmagazine.com/tiger-balm-review.html

non University source

(3) Terpenes 





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Muscles Run On Sugar

The picture below is Hoppin John, a traditional Southern US tradition among Black Families on New Years Day. Note the Rice and Beans- which is two plant foods Combined to make  full protein source.

What is a full protein source and why can it make Muscle?

hopping john

A full protein source is any food or combination of foods that supply the 9 essential amino acids intact. These 9 can make proteins in your body, while you sleep.

Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body. As a result, they must come from food. The 9 essential amino acids are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.Jan 26, 2017

Amino acids: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

When you make proteins (de novo synthesis) you are supposed to gain weight (hopefully muscle weight ) from them. Since muscle is 70% water the best way to determine if you are gaining muscle is not weight but measuring body fat. Athletic females and Males (like U Conn basketball players and others who have to perform due to scholarships) have higher body fat levels than Olympians.

Muscles are Math/Protein is muscle math

{\displaystyle PER\,={\frac {Gain\ in\ body\ mass(g)}{Protein\ intake(g)}}}

The average Olympian body fat  is lower for usually the 2 weeks of competition. If your body fat is too low , you are tired, and often extremely muscled or you could be starving!
Natural Bodybuilders and Fitness Models are not as low as someone posing for the weekend in the Mr Olympia.
But all of these types have more protein showing up as muscle than the average person, and they have it because they maintain enough calories not to tap into the muscle and use it for energy. Shivering burns muscle. Lack of sleep burns muscle. Obviously some math is required. Look at this simplified chart to start understanding Protein to Fat  to Bone Ratios in the human body.

body fat ranges

{\displaystyle PER\,={\frac {Gain\ in\ body\ mass(g)}{Protein\ intake(g)}}}   if you want 8 lbs of NON steroid muscle males/females usually produce it by eating between 0.7 and 0.9 per pound of bodyweight per day. If you are using an eating plan like 45/45/10  you are putting up to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (2.2 g/kg of BW) per day, which has been a bodybuilding rule of thumb for decades(shredded phase).

Too Much is too hard on the system

Since more than 1 gram per pound over time can have your doctor wagging his/her finger at you when you get your creatinine kinase readout(urine test) You should consider having a computer program track ALL your protein sources and stay hydrated- @ 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight in 24 hours . See the Gatorade institute about that- they did the numbers for soldiers carrying gear in Desert Storm …
More than 1 gram per lb ingesting protein with a decent PER
and I bet you are  training with weights that are too heavy for bodybuilding but perfect for the caber toss/Thomas Inch Strongman contest. And that goes for BOTH genders.

The final Answer

“Sports Nutrition for Coaches,” sports dietitian Leslie Bonci writes that recreational athletes need between 0.5 and 0.75 gram of protein per pound of body weight each day, while athletes aiming to build muscle need 0.7 to 0.9 gram per pound each day. Teenage athletes, who are still in growth and development stages, may need up to 1 gram per pound of body weight. Here is your protein tracker if you cook  you add each ingredient to get your totals
https://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-calculator.asp  (Unfortunately the USDA is stopping supertracker  June 30 2018)
Aslo on line – and better than a notebook if you tend to cook more or less the same things in a months time.
Protein tracking does not really lend itself to an app   BUT  -if you are eating AndroidGraphicon the fly this is better than nothing for monitoring protein intake
myfitnessPal.com  for I Phones 
http://www.mynetdiary.com/   for both Android and I phones has a food search that looks like a label and gives you an 1 ounce breakdown

 Measuring Protein Effectiveness

Recently in the US the FDA has switched to this method :PDCAAS
 Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score is a more rigid  rating system  for determining protein quality. PER is useful however for rating  foods that are processed into powders like the usual weight gaining bodybuilding products. PDCASS  is the new standard for now. Just have to get good at math either way.
… A protein scoring a 1.0   PDCAAS  indicates it meets all the essential amino acid requirements of humans according to the Food Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization… 
This article  did not discuss BV Biological value or NPU – it is an article not a college course! But notice that rice@ 0.26 PDCAAS + beans@ 0.68 PDCAAS = 0.94  so if you cannot afford whey powder or red meat…
I admit that using PDCAAS make it easier for me to determine value. In the old PER system just because rice was 2.0 and Beans was 2.4 I  still had no idea if a value of  over 3.0 meant I had a good combo . I still had to base it on body weight converted into kilograms. But the PER chart here may make it easier for the Math Challenged. Use both methods, because Muscles are  Mathematical
( weights/reps/sets/Intensity(rest)…          Pump-Up-Your-Proteins-Chart_mini 

 Make Protein work for  You

You must have an eating plan. Protein is not cheap. Too much and you gain unwanted weight, too little and you get no results in terms of size. You just get stronger but look no different..SO plan to make protein work for you. And click on links in this article to get details on eating for muscle, especially the next one…
 Make Protein Work : Remember  3 things  when using any charts:
  • Do your math, then cook…save your $ for Vacation
  • Eat out on dates.
  • Pack your lunches for work!

Muscle Meatloaf  Recipe


Prep Time

10 Mins

Bake Time

1 Hour



The substitutions by margothefoodie.blogspot.com Just in case you are too broke or busy to have the EXACT thing…

This simple meatloaf gets great reviews because it is a quick and easy choice for a family dinner. Ground chuck offers lots of flavor and is less expensive, but we chose lean ground beef because it has less fat. The best part is that this dish can be frozen.

 I am about to put this in the freezer …I left the sauce off– I can add tomato paste anytime before reheating.Screenshot (8)


  • 1 1/2 pounds 85% lean ground beef
  • 3/4 cup quick-cooking oatmeal ( I used mashed potatoes already made with milk)  which eliminated the oatmeal and cut the milk)
  • 3/4 cup milk ( I used mashed potatoes already made with milk  which eliminated the oatmeal &  the milk cut to ¼ cup)
  • 1/4 cup chopped onion
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons Mrs Dash Salt Substitute
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper   I  substitute smoky paprika
  • 1/3 cup ketchup   or   One can tomato paste
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar (you can skip this if you use tomato paste)
  • 1 tablespoon yellow mustard or use ½ teaspoon turmeric or curry

 How to Make It

Step 1

Combine first 7 ingredients in a large bowl just until blended; place in a lightly greased 9- x 5-inch loaf pan.

Step 2

Stir together ketchup, brown sugar, and yellow mustard; pour evenly over meatloaf. OR use tomato paste !!

Especially if you are eating this right away…If freezing the meatloaf , the topping can wait till you re-heat it

Step 3

Bake at 350° for 1 hour. Remove from oven; let stand 5 minutes, and remove from pan before slicing.

Step 4

Note: Wrap meatloaf in plastic wrap and aluminum foil, and freeze up to 1 month. Thaw in refrigerator overnight.

Nutrition Analysis:

  Both the subbed recipe and the original recipe have 30 grams of protein ** at a PDCAAS very close to 1. So taking meatloaf sandwiches to work is an effective way to add protein and save$.  Grams calculated by using the  https:// supertracker usda.gov    which I used in College** . This is the most accurate Nutritional Information for this recipe as of February 2018 

Supertracker is gone as of 6/30/2018



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Video :Leftovers for muscles ?!

leftovers??!! how can that possibly make muscles grow? Click here for 22 sec video

In a hurry?  go to the summary …

Fool your Body

By seasonally following the 60% carbs/30% protein and 10%fats both saturated and mono/poly unsaturated (More on that here) you can build some muscle in the winter months and lose the body fat once it gets warm enough to jog skate bike swim outdoors- @Memorial Day/ May 31  and be 6- pack shredded by July 4th.


Call it tapping your inner caveman or woman. You eat when its plentiful / store some for later and use it powerfully- all in one week …How?  Let’s say Monday is chest day (it should not be … Try to go with the flow of 7 days that can rotate because 7 is an odd number…)

If you put in quality calories on Sunday, and relaxed a bit, when you work out on Monday afternoon (I made Monday my Back Day)   You are tapping breakfast Monday, All of Sunday’s meals and possibly Saturdays dinner if you went to bed before 10pm the Whole Weekend. There is a reason why Monday is my Back Day but it will not stay that way. For the goal of understanding the whole article quickly so you can use it go grab a pad of paper and a pen right now and write things down as you read this. I am letting you think out loud as if you are me,

Suffice to say Monday is our  Favorite Body Part Day so it is our Easy Day.

Numbers are Everything

Based on your body weight presently  because its off season use  your present weight x 11 for Women or 12 for Men

  • then add 500 calories for that tough Leg workout. HARD
  • Or only 350 calories  for that Chest Workout- which includes pushups -MEDIUM
  • no pushups?? add only 250 calories more by bedtime – EASY

Monday  you consume your shredded weight # in total calories  That is The weight you where think you look like a million dollars . It can be a low # or a high number  because if you know anything about body types the range can  span @ 27 points.

Example : I can look good between 118 and 145 depending on what sport demands of my body – therefore  what muscles are contributing weight to my frame? 145 lbs of  muscles on me ? Only I am a stunt double for Gail Gadot/Wonder Woman. Thinking will help you arrive at a good number. Do you want a thick back ? Then that may be a hard day workout and you will weigh more because of it. Want to weigh less but be strong?Back may be a medium day. Have an great back already ? Back becomes an easy day.Your choice on that particular area will determine how many pounds you will ultimately weigh- no kidding. Your legs are appendages. Your back is YOU.

So you really have to think about it. Just because Bey looks good a  145 does it mean that you would also look good at 145.

In any case I posted pix of what I wanted to look like on the wall .  My target weight was 128. 118 is my triathlon weight @ 10 % body fat , and that number is too low for me  to keep real muscle on.At 128 my basal (keep me alive calories is 1408. Any woman  eating 1200 at basal weighs 109 soaking wet.  So arbitrarily picking a target caloric intake will mess you up .

1200 calories happens to be one of those numbers way too many women pick. This is science.

Conscientious / 4 steps

  1. You  will determine your Given.   The Given is your target weight  x your gender factor 11 women ,12 men    The real Given  is    Your Present weight X your gender factor . Compare the target  versus your present to get a handle on the task at hand.
  2. Then  make an  Analysis of your metabolism ability to gain weigh /water . Is it easy to lose weight or hard? Easy is you can lose if you forget to eat   Hard is you can look at food and the weight jumps on you. Most of us are Moderate.
  3.   Now- start a training journal or input this into your laptop .I am using myself as the example in this article . Keep it short but accurate.
  4.  Finally -You will track eating pattern using a Free  App like https://www.fooducate.com/

Given :my genetically ectomorph frame at  10 % bodyfat @ 118 lbs  with menses – no issues.Off season I am at 128 …Naturally. Looking thick at 140 lbs and an office job with no exercise whatsoever. Looking good at 121-125  teaching 5 classes a week. These variations told me that I tended to stay on the low end of my range so my workouts were not going to be skewing towards Hard but I needed to pay attention to my food intake more than most, due to already being quite active.

  Analysis:  Talk to yourself as if you are getting ready for a part in a superhero movie :

My Example:

This ability for me to have muscle naturally at weights that sound low simply means that I never have to go thru a shred fat stage that is brutal . If genetics makes it difficult to put muscle on then in my case  Conversely  the muscle shows up  as long and Not Thick –  I tend to be striated and have low fat. But the muscles have long tendons and are not big- Is that  long lean look good enough for me to look like I have been working in a gym  ? … Be realistic- You will not look Exactly like the pictures you posted for motivation unless the age and genetics are very similar. I am trying to look like I did at 45 and menopause has made it tougher- I need more days off between workouts. and I have less time. My solution ? One tough workout- I picked chin ups – they are so hard for me that I will lose weight just trying . Know Your Personality!!  A lot of  trainers prefer  Before / After Pictures of ourselves as Motivation.  I put up the pix of my muscles post chinups here to get me going…

I am on the far left!1998 bodybuilding pix at ymca

 Plan/Think about  these 3 pts :

 Introducing a  3 part SECRET:

  1. You do not eat the same way year around.
  2. Training – lets hope you do not do the same thing week in and week out.
  3. Keeping it simple  means following the seasons…(if you live in a tropical paradise change your workouts every 3 months, with an Only  yoga or walking week as transition )

Typical Week In Winter

My Goal is to stay around 128 lbs but to change the body fat to muscle ratio.

I get my body fat  measured To See Where It Is Before Committing  To This Serious Effort

Then I do my Target weight math: 128 x 11 + 200 more calories = 1608, so  If I  consume 1608 calorieson Sunday (Sunday Leg workout so brutal I can not do it until the weekend ) those calories are really for Monday (EASY)winter

The calories for Leg Day were eaten Saturday – the day before =128 x 11 + 500 =1908   If I round up to 2000 calories  it usually fruit.   1608 or 1908 calories are put into the 60/30/10 format. Psyched up with 2000 CALORIES -It means I can have a blue cheese burger ! I am going to need that burger because the leg workouts are only 1 day apart – The internal dialogue you are having with yourself can hurt or help you

In my case the internal dialogue  helps.

This always works :

I posted pictures of my 1608 calorie intake day  to stay on track- at first I was a little hungry but then I upped my water intake. It took a lot of midnight soup snacking without any bread or crackers to get on a regimen , and then I dropped the soup by the time it got hotter.

60/30/10  into calories @ 1608

I used supertracker usda * to set the parameters of 60 % carbs  of 1608 total calories for my leg day. This  is rounded up to 965 calories. That 60 % carbs  include both  complex and simple carbs. Complex carbs for me are 5 or 6 different fruit colors, a vegetable at each meal . Simple is a milk chocolate candy bar with Hazelnuts . You get the idea. I avoid the things I am allergic to, so I do not bloat or break out. Bananas  – can not do. Whole heat bread – Nope. Tortillas  Yep. ..So carbs are easier for me- and I have never loved carbs any way…

Fats -lets say 7 percent the fats that are Omega 3-18 as found in Wild caught Pink Muscled fish, sardines, some drizzled olive oil on my salad, Nothing fried or braised  in an oil really to avoid going over 3 % saturated. Yep You have to cook your own meals to be this precise.

Thus the quick cooking videos on vimeo. com


margofitnesstrainer    on Instagram    bb q meatloaf-01.jpg

The meatloaf above will get a topping of the Organic Soup  and baked...

Total fat calories as near as I can get them from 1608 calories total is 161 fat calories

Proteins are in eggs fish red meat and combos like rice and beans.   Rice and beans with eggs for breakfast – my heaviest meal is always by 12 noon and lightest is by 8 pm. Grilled salmon and a salad after the arm /ab workout after work on Monday . Protein shake for last meal. the calories have tapered off as I watch Netflix.

Mondays’ total protein calories for 1608 calories is 482.As for My Monday Numbers- It is Recovery day from legs So  shouldn’t I eat a lot more calories post workout?  I used to put in 1908 the day after the evil workout but since I have a desk job I am putting in 1608. If I swim for recovery I will put in the 1908, but if I just spend one hour stretching its 1608 post tough leg workout. Listening to your body is hard which is why the abs follow the leg day- to keep me from overeating. I also hate batwing arms. Just visualizing a flabby stomach and less than sleek appendages keeps me honest.


Spring has sprung

Design your workout week accordingly, but for both sexes  you will probably have 2  heavy days EX: a back day & leg day

Me:   back  and 2 different leg   total 2 heavy days  of course separated by recovery days totaling 5  workouts a week  in winter,starting to burn out by  Spring, thanks to needing 4 days between legs A and B its trickier.Every week the workouts progress through the days If the week officially starts Monday, the next week it officially starts Tuesday, then the week after that Day 1 is Wednesday etc.

By Easter/ Vernal Equinox  I am on 4-5 five day pattern with some days being  both AM and PM aka split day  workouts.what

Split days ? those calories are definitely tracked very carefully- the day before a split day  is the not always the 1908 cal  intake. (see Sunday into Monday  vs. Thursday into Friday)  This way I grow some muscle post workout and do not add unnecessary flab – because I tend to get less sleep in Spring – lots to do….when you cannot get quality sleep after a split day workout, your calories better be less on that day…(more the day before)

Sleep after brutal workouts actually burns fat. You cannot eat in your sleep…

50 /40/10  %

50% carbs  40% protein 10 % fats  by now you should have a grocery list that allows you to cook quickly and if you go out on dates you have figured out how to incorporate meals out into a good thing for your workouts. Got a date ??  Do the am/pm workout the next day- to take advantage of the calories.

In winter the cold took care of the extra calories  no kidding…I was shoveling or being outside every day for @ 45 minutes because I need sunlight -Seasonal Affective Disorder means I must get Out regardless of the temperature.But Spring can make you hungry.I drink more water about one ounce per lb . Basically a gallon in 24 hours is fine for most office workers. You do not chug it down. You pace it. Since muscle is 70 % water and you goal may be a 6 pack, subbing water for soda is not a bad idea.At least you will have an established hydration pattern that will  help you in  hot weather. A body that is hydrated can hang when it jumps from 80 to 95 degrees in a week.

45/45/10 %

Summer is the easiest  45 % carbs means I am consuming  a rainbow of fruits and vegetables up to 9 different items a day and we all know that these are complex carbs so you get full quicker and need less. My color scheme for fresh veg/fruit intake spans  this spectrum    Red Orange Yellow Green Blue  Purple Pink Brown Tan  This includes nuts and mushrooms. I add hot sauces like wasabi and sriracha for flavor, and eat a lot of crazy salads as a result.


Protein – lots of fish/grilled beef /sushi – and drizzle oil on my skin/hair  as well as my food- Pretend you are an Pacific Islander living in the era of Captain Cook and you get the idea. Show off that bod too. Workouts are more sand /sea/ cliff/ off road sports oriented . I can get a crazy leg workout  running/climbing  dunes . The gym  workouts are 4 days on weights sometimes 3 days on weights and a class- no split routines and every day Outside Doing Something. -even if it is just walking home from the office.

The 45/45/10 % pattern  calculated into my target weight of 128 is set to vacillate between the basal or minimum of 1408 calories for no more than 2 sequential  days at a time  So the body wont go into saving calories for a rainy day mode  -Tricky –  On Paper  I am eating at basal to 1608  most days post workout and eating at 1908 pre workout. That allows for eating at barbeques, parties etc of course no alcohol, because its too Hot !  For every 8 oz of alcohol I need 17 oz of water to rehydrate  – that takes up room that could have been food.  The workouts are almost full body switching between upper and lower 2 x a week and the  6 pack is worked in each one.The cardio class? Just to keep it fun- a fitness class subs  for a weight workout, and 4 days  working out a week is my  doable summer routine till Labor Day. Try it !


3 different workout programs                =  3 different calorie/content intakes

 SECRET   I Play During the year Sports   to keep me from aging !

My sports are skiing, cycling, powerlifting, skateboarding, swimming ……I pick  3/5 and do something 3/4 seasons of the year…in a cool location if possible. I even did snorkeling once -It burns a lot of calories …


  • Winter Jan 20th    till Easter or the Spring Equinox

(look it up here                                                                 60/30/10

one week off walking or doing tai chi or yoga for a transition 

  • Spring    Equinox – Memorial Day                                 50/40/10

one week off walking or doing tai chi or yoga for a transition 

  • Summer    July 4th -Labor Day                                     45/45/10

one week off walking or doing tai chi or yoga for a transition 

  • The rest of the year :Labor Day to MLK day              60/30/10

one week off walking or doing tai chi or yoga for a transition 


See the colorful  charts for the calorie shifting throughout the article

  • Due to the private sector creating apps  supertracker usda.gov will be discontinued as of July 1 2018


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Fish Oils ? or real fish? Weight loss depends on choices

 At the wine section of my local millennial targeted grocery store( organic but prepared foods) I happened upon a woman studying the label of the  Store Branded fish oil versus something scribbled on a scrap of paper.

So I simply asked her if she thought it was a good brand.(I tend to do that sort of thing. )

“I am not sure “, she replied looking into my face. “Can you help me?

“Well…”  I  stated … I just switched to another fish oil after doing my homework, and I — I got cut off. I was going to say I buy fresh fish almost weekly.

“Really? “   she said- “That is exactly what I am trying to do – so what fish oil did you buy?”

Recently  I was looking for a good ratio of Medium chain TriGlycerides to other Omega triGlycerides like CLA  but I did not have tell her that, because the label of most fish oils supplements   do not indicate the MCT/ Medium Chain TriGlyceride content.  I could tell her I had switched to a brand carried by a health food store as opposed to the National Millennial Chain and had spent the same $ amount… But  now I had someone who was engaging me in pursuit of the truth…

Instantly I knew she was looking for the magic bullet. MCT oils(Medium Chain TriGlycerides)  are supposed to promote weight loss.

 That meant the person in front of me seriously studying the label had probably seen this excerpt from Wikipedia… 3 points

Dietary relevance –references to [#] at end of this article 

  1. Some studies have shown that MCTs can help in the process of excess calorie burning, thus weight loss.[4][5][6][7][8]
  2. MCTs are also seen as promoting fat oxidation and reduced food intake.[9]
  3.  Interest in MCTs has been expressed by endurance athletes and the bodybuildingcommunity.[10]

But I knew this about MCT  It started the Bullet Coffee Craze.  

MCT/ Medium Chain Triglycerides were also abundant in Coconut oil which was supposedly good for melting away  belly fat …

While health benefits from MCTs seem to occur, a link to improved exercise performance is weak.[9]

 A number of studies back the use of MCT oil as a weight loss supplement, but these claims are not without conflict, as about an equal number found inconclusive results.[11]

I also knew how MCT works in the body and how it was absorbed thanks to surviving several  anatomy and physiology classes 


but instead of looking for an MCT level which means contacting the manufacturer (good luck)  I asked her this:

Why aren’t you eating fresh fish ? 

                            photo courtesy of http://www.passion4profession.netweight-workouts-core-workouts

The woman indicated that she needed extra to achieve her goal of having a 6 pack . She  indicated that she was an aerobics instructor and she needed to  look the part .

I can empathize  with that! Dieting or even adopting a fitness lifestyle is no guarantee to the elusive 6 pack unless your intake is on point. In addition to all the supplements you can add to the eating plan, and all the exercises you can do- the 6 pack still may not show up. But I know on thing for sure

whole foods = whole body results

I have seen 6 packs occur on chefs in training –  I recall  a fellow staff member  at the gym  who decided to eat nothing but  grilled baked or broiled fish, rice,  citrus fruits and water, until the 6 pack showed up. That 4 ingredient diet was harsh – but it worked because he had a secret – he sprinkled real green, slightly bitter olive oil over everything cooked. The result was chemically interesting – a very helpful mix of oils. Why?

 Due to the different pathways the “stomach”  GI (Gastrointestinal Tract) metabolized all the fats: both fish and plant (olive oil) therefore he lost weight. How do I know this? He only did pushups and chinups , admittedly difficult exercises, but the weight melted!(despite body fat in the double digits on a guy )  When I quizzed him, he told me that the oils in both the olive oil and the fish he ate helped suppress his cravings for carbs… and improved his cooking techniques  for fish. He only ate serious fish (this was before the foodie craze) – serious  fish being those that had the highest amount of pink -(muscled, active swimming fish have pink flesh). The list:


Wild Caught Salmon

Wild caught (pink) Tunafish in cans

Arctic Char

All the fish in this list tend to have the coveted Omega 3 fatty acids ( complex oil chains also known as the triglycerides. How does a fish get triglycerides aka Omega 3 fatty acids)

“The fish used as sources do not actually produce omega-3 fatty acids, but instead accumulate them by consuming either microalgae or prey fish that have accumulated omega-3 fatty acids”. Falk-Petersen, S.; Sargent, J. R.; Henderson, J.; Hegseth, E. N.; Hop, H.; Okolodkov, Y. B. (1998). “Lipids and fatty acids in ice algae and phytoplankton from the Marginal Ice Zone in the Barents Sea”. Polar Biology. 20 (1): 41–7. doi:10.1007/s003000050274INIST:2356641.

Wow. I forgot that fish eat fish. I also found out that farmed fish are also fed fish oil- since they are captive, farmed  fish cannot chase dinner.!!

Which explains why  farmed fish have less of the triglycerides everyone wants. Even a fish has to exercise to produce the desired result. The pinker the fish , the more triglycerides, the more active the fish was- the healthier you are…

Which further underscores that a wild fish turned into a meal is better than a wild fish turned into an oil because the wild fish is chelated . Chelated means combined minerals/ vitamins /basic food building blocks. The oil, protein from the actual flesh of the fish, that glaze you broiled it in.it is all naturally combined or chelated…  As food all combined as carbohydrates, proteins, fats (good Fats  of all various lengths and structures)  to be processed by You. That takes energy. Depending on the pathway and amount of intake , you can lose weight which is what the CLA vitamin people claim.,because CLA releases energy .

diff chains

Oh yes – Coconut oil – the medium length chain triglyceride is trendy along with CLA  the LOOOOONG 28 plus carbon triglyceride, which oil is better for weight loss? In all my studies of functions and chemistry I have never heard of ingestion of a  fat making me less fat. I knew there were 2 kinds of fat- brown and white. I had even seen it on a cadaver dissection. But the fat was there for a reason- to protect the GI tract- that is how I knew that getting a 6 pack was going to be difficult well before I wanted one.

Food is Fuel

I propose there is weight loss in sensibly caloric amounts of  a chelated fat/biologically bound fat   that earned every bit of its structure when it was alive- and then it is bioavailable when digested. I am talking about flesh from… 

We are just part of the food chain after all.

Food is Fuel: It is simple really once you realize there is more than one pathway the body uses to break up real materials. Fish is a real food and breaks down into materials . But a pill is material that has to be re catabolized (broken down) in order to use its materials. So a Pill is a Drug and Food Is Fuel.

What makes weight loss happen quicker?

Food – in the right amounts andrest/exercise also in the right amounts= weight loss.

Not a pill.

Why fish is better than a pill

Even the pills that do work are  often biologically controlling 2-step mechanisms which makes them hard to control  and are the kind of thing that  requires a stint at Duke Medical. Either that or the pill illegal due to other side effects.(Ephedra)  Most over the counter weight loss pills are designed to insert themselves in a pathway and control it. The more dangerous stuff just shuts the pathway down(Meth/speed/benzedrine) Food derivatives like CLA insert themselves into the pathway but a lot of customers do not get the results they want for this pill due to the complexity of fat metabolism.Like I said earlier who ever heard of ingesting a fat to get rid of fat?

That CLA is being touted as a good fat is quite complicated- I had to review some organic chemistry when I went to the research sources. CLA is a trans fat that is good for you- But  Not Found In Fish. So maybe this is the one oil I would buy in pill form if I had a hard time losing weight . However buying CLA is more expensive than letting my own gut do the work of making its own CLA. “

In healthy humans, CLA and the related conjugated linolenic acid (CLNA) isomers are bioconverted from linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, respectively, mainly by Bifidobacterium bacteria strains inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract.  from Carina Paola Van Nieuwenhove; Victoria Terán; Silvia Nelina González. “Chapter 3: Conjugated Linoleic and Linolenic Acid Production by Bacteria: Development of Functional Foods” (PDF). In Everlon Cid Rigobelo. Probiotics. doi:10.5772/50321.

I would rather save the money and buy fresh fish that are Wild Caught and I cook it.


The Human body works best when things are combined in nature and then we use energy to Un Combine things and store/use it. This process is called Metabolism. You can have a slow metabolism or a fast one – you are alive because your body does  all this to a fish .images 

Storing = Anabolism   / Breaking it down and using for energy = catabolism

Understand why food is fuel

(and calories is fuel being used)

Your oil intake undergoes the anabolism/catabolism cycle too. But do not think that because it is in pill form that you have saved yourself some work. Weight loss occurs because some the oils are absorbed through the intestines and other oils are absorbed by the liver, and then you tap the energy of the oils.

If you are buying your fish oils in pill form you must be in a hurry.

But being in a hurry will give you incomplete results. Just because you can utilize CLA a long chain fat it does not mean that you have changed the caloric equation. You change the caloric equation when you body has to tackle several things at once, and store it all over a 24 hour period. It takes a  day to tap what you ate yesterday. Tap it fast and the calories burned  are gone when you run out of steam. Recover and you can tap it again- which is what happens in fight or flight.  We all know how that works- eventually you will have to rest to be able to have enough energy to go again- this time for the long haul. They used to call this  anaerobic versus aerobic but recent research shows no such division in terms of energy expenditure other than the use of glycogen over fat, which may explain why you do not look like you lost weight until you truly Go Thereimage002

Want to Get There ?Here are  several questions for you.

  • How does the consumer know what source the fish oil is ? In other words did this fish swim in an ocean?
  • Does the  label gives you the ratio of  fatty acid chains from saturated to unsaturated and from 3 to 6 to more complex chains up to 28+ ?

Lets answer the 2nd question: it will affect your wallet.

Does the  label give you the ratio- Yes but  the Oils are  usually hundreds  of times the Recommended Daily Allowance for  well Americans as illustrated in the chart below.

You can raise your LDL to HDL ratio  in the wrong direction if you do not use this extra oil  as energy- the doctor can think you have high cholesterol if you constantly intake fish oil pills with as much as 300 mg of all those complex oils  per day in pill form. You can also induce Hypervitaminosis A. This rarely happens in food form unless you eat seal or walrus liver, but it is a problem with people who overdo vitamins. 

Vitamin fish oil pills always include DHA/ EPA * (remember that  illustration  Oils You Have Heard About ?)  It is  frustrating that the FDA does not  supply the exact amount of the good oils other than to indicate that they should be 90 % of your RDA intake and the so called bad oils Saturated and short greasy chains (french fries) are not to exceed 10% . Try eating 2.4 mg of oil from your burger that you fried at home versus the one you paid $13 dollars for with 4 slices of Stilton and a beer . No wonder all my body building friends skip ground meat and do grilled fish and grilled chicken breasts., and put the $13 toward a fish.

top row= Calories in 24 hours/

middle row is amount of fish oil in grams/teaspoons


Good luck in figuring out 4.8 teaspoons of fish oil. On the other hand when you eat a fish you do not have to worry about the amount of oil, because its so mixed up with other materials  that you end up with an amount that is not biologically available as fish oil- yet you are healthier.  It is stored in your body.

It is not always better to have a blood profile appear like a 19th century eskimo/Inuit  on paper in terms of your complex oil intake- especially when it centers on Fish oil & (see Vitamin  hypervitaminosis A in Cod liver Oil)

Food Not Statins

Your Cholesterol ratio is better regulated through Food, Not Statins

It is better to eat the cod! and have a good HDL to LDL https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25057538?

The   1st Americans in the Arctic /Alaskan Hinterlands did not take pills and were healthier than most Americans until Fast Food.  As you digest your next meal,  take time to read  the Inuit Paradox which asks

How can people who gorge on fat and rarely see a vegetable be healthier than we are?  http://discovermagazine.com/2004/oct/inuit-paradox 

Inuit  Arctic Inhabitants have great LDL to HDL because it  is  their lifestyleto eat and catch  fresh fish.  A simpler life: Fresh air, hard work, and sleep .If you need weight loss,  start by getting the fresh fish part working for you. Meatless Mondays -is working- you should try it.

Realize that Americans are doing better in their national intake of saturated fats!  1n 2017 we as a nation are  only 1% away from the RDA of 10 %! Make it Fish not only on Fridays but add one more day as well… and get that fish from someone you know and trust.

 The Pescetarian Advantage (Fish Lover)

Most personal trainers have their healthy sources. My friend at the gym (NYC)  who became a chef  introduced me to the fish mongers at  the now gentrified South Street Seaport.  ( See Hunts Point, Bronx now…)  I currently live in the Midwest so my Ocean swimming fish comes from another trainer/chef  https:/www.seafoodforunow.com.

Weekly the local (remain nameless) supermarket brings in wild salmon at 12.99 a pound but I have no idea exactly what ocean it was swimming in .  I miss the informed verifiable communication from the fishermen.  Instead chain stores hire personable staff who wrap the fish, but that is all. The sellers are not the buyers…In my hometown  the staff at the local chain supermarket do not even eat the fish unless its fried…I am surprised that the big store chain  even attempts to sell wild caught.

I live in the zip code that cares  so there are 3 reliable places to get fish oil pills and there is an olive oil store but NO Fish Mongers, just supermarkets …Miss the Ocean!2480283011_6c14faba39_bWhen you grow up here: You may or may not have access to quality fish despite the relative variety of retail as seen in this picture.

Solution: Shopping via internet



No one I know grows up being mostly a pescetarian.But if you are into health you grow into being Informed, maybe even become a foodie.  Confession: I only eat porgies in New Orleans – and  once in a while I will do a coldstream wild caught  trout. I got educated quickly by a client who was an advocate for sustainable fish back when it was not cool…  In any case i was able to do some simple fish verification  /  Q & A   here  http://www.seafoodwatch.org/

Better to eat the  best ocean going fish I can find, and avoid bottom feeding fish.

By buying my fish online from seafood 4 u now I can contact the site and get answer. https://www.seafood4unow.com


picture above:    Norwegian Flyfishers Club (NFC), Sør Trøndelag, Norway

Late June 2016

Target: Atlantic Salmon

Gear: Double-hand Spey rods 9-10 weight, 14’ and 15’, floating/sink tip and intermediate lines.

River conditions: Very low and clear for the time of year. 9-14 ⁰ C.

Temperature: 10-20⁰ C.


4. M-P. St-Onge; P.J.H. Jones (2003). “Greater rise in fat oxidation with medium-chain triglyceride consumption relative to long-chain triglyceride is associated with lower initial body weight and greater loss of subcutaneous adipose tissue”. International Journal of Obesity27(12): 1565–1571. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0802467PMID 12975635.

5.B. Martena; M. Pfeuffer; J. Schrezenmeir (2006). “Medium-chain triglycerides”. International Dairy Journal16 (11): 1374–1382. doi:10.1016/j.idairyj.2006.06.015

6.Takeuchi, H; Sekine, S; Kojima, K; Aoyama, T (2008). “The application of medium-chain fatty acids: edible oil with a suppressing effect on body fat accumulation”. Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition. 17 Suppl 1: 320–3. PMID 18296368.

7.St-Onge, MP; Jones, PJ (2002). “Physiological effects of medium-chain triglycerides: potential agents in the prevention of obesity”. The Journal of Nutrition132 (3): 329–32. PMID 11880549.

8.Papamandjaris, AA; MacDougall, DE; Jones, PJ (1998). “Medium chain fatty acid metabolism and energy expenditure: obesity treatment implications”. Life Sciences62 (14): 1203–15. doi:10.1016/S0024-3205(97)01143-0PMID 9570335.

9. Clegg, M. E. (2010). “Medium-chain triglycerides are advantageous in promoting weight loss although not beneficial to exercise performance”. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition61 (7): 653–679. doi:10.3109/09637481003702114PMID 20367215.

10.Talbott, Shawn M. and Kerry Hughes. (2006). The Health Professional’s Guide to Dietary Supplements. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 60–63ISBN 978-0-7817-4672-4.

11.“Influence of the dietary intake of medium chain triglycerides on body composition, energy expenditure and satiety: a systematic review”. Nutr Hosp27: 103–8. 2012. doi:10.1590/S0212-16112012000100011PMID 22566308.

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Sugars 101 — Avoid Confusion : Sugar is not all bad…

Muscles Run On Sugar. You run on Sugar. Notice that glucose drip in the ER? That is sugar!ivImage courtesy of https://mk0homeobookykppfn33.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/iv.jpg

A glucose drip is  only 5 % sugar. But that is enough to supply calories for Basal Metabolism – what it takes to run you bedridden for 24 hours.

Other sugars make you happy. Alcohol is a liquid containing alcohol sugars. It is missing a molecule of oxygen  -OH  and in order to stabilize you lose the OH group causing De Hy  dration and causing that massive hangover because the alcohol sugars are too big to process in your bloodstream without a lot of water and Time.

Your Kidneys do the processing of sugars. When they are physically damaged as in Diabetes, your bloodstream has too much sugar in it.

The sugar makes it harder for the heart to pump blood around- Blood prefers to carry around Oxygen. Most Diabetics  have heart issues.

I know this sounds very simple. Actually its very complicated. Shall we discuss the pancreas, Islets of Langerhaus, and Angiotensin 1 and 2??

51KBY8ZGT4L._SX352_BO1,204,203,200_the  source  I use to refresh what I know


Lets stick to Understanding Sugar. It is sweet. Too much is NOT GOOD.

Crazy Historical Fact. The Persians used to punish Enemies of The State with Death by Sugar : lashing the victim between two boats  and then feeding them only sugar, and honey. The method using sugar is so awful that it was not in either 300 movie. WARNING: if you are sensitive about  things that destroy the human body do not look up scaphism But if you must, the most scholarly based short article is here: http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2008/2008-05-16.html#n8 ,specifically the paragraph on Chapter 6: The Dark Side of Paradise.


Sugar is confusing: Alcohol Sugar is Very Confusing

Alcohol sugar has just been given the thumbs up – supposedly those who follow the guidelines on alcohol  live longer and do better than those who are exercising- I suspect its the social aspect of the red wine or beer in Moderation, that is responsible for the Longevity… The 1 serving of  alcohol for women and up to 2 servings for men daily, do not include 80 Proof/hard liquor. On this ,the website FAQ of the CDC is really clear.  For instance the CDC site states

One 12-ounce beer has about the same amount of alcohol as one 5-ounce glass of wine or 1.5-ounce shot of liquor. It is the amount of alcohol consumed that affects a person most, not the type of alcoholic drink.

Unfortunately  the science in terms of sample size in the  Alcohol is Good for You Study is not discussed in the link below (for you geeks Anova analysis is more important than peer reviewed plus there is a recent study on Peer Review also…)


So far so good. A moderate amount of Alcohol sugar is good for you. A 5% glucose drip is good for you when you are injured.

When is pure sugar good?

If you know that pure sugar is composed of 2 parts, glucose and sucrose then you might think that its too much to have 2 different sugar structures floating around in your blood stream , and guess what- you are right. The average person only uses pure sugar in coffee. Most sugar is combined with other food ingredients, like chocolate.

The human body assigns  the separated  parts of pure sugar to different tasks :storage, energy, or synthesis.


Moving  sucrose credited as follows from Wikimedia Commons:

English: Ball-and-stick model of sucrose molecule. The structure is taken from ChemSpider. ID 5768
Source Own work
Author MarinaVladivostok

Your body breaks up sugar, regardless if it is  white or brown. Scientists call sugar sucrose because it is a Poly/Big structure  – 2 different sugars are in    sucrose . The human body has to break up sucrose, the Big/Poly molecule into fructose and glucose. sugar

The body uses the fructose and the glucose differently.

The glucose can make proteins if needed. The glucose can give you energy. The glucose can be stored for flight or fight. But the fructose?

Fructose takes a longer more complicated process to make energy. Fructose does not get stored as energy until converted into glucose. Unfortunately Fructose is  found in American food manufacturing as a preservative. High Fructose Corn Syrup is way too familiar. partially because it is very inexpensive- being extracted from Corn.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HFCS. If you ever look at a label on a food and see High Fructose Corn Syrup  listed first , put it back.  There are other ways to make your sauce, or canned food taste good and have a 2 year shelf life.  In the meantime the ready availability of extra Fructose just puts a strain on your system . You are better off not adding any extra sugar since its already there in your food.


The real problem is knowing that regardless of the source of sugars in your intake, the Government agencies responsible for American health know that we are not getting any younger, and as we  age , we do not move as much. If you move less and intake the same amount of sugars, you store the excess as fat. You could also not tolerate the excess and become diabetic.   Diabetes is expensive. dlc

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Mongols and Hooves: When Food Is Fuel


Mongols and Hooves: When Food Is Fuel

I originally did this  for an Asian studies class so there are references at the end         HIS531  Paper Mongols and Hooves  This is how  it all started.making a dumpling

I ate every morning at a local dim sum on 8th ave between 57 and 58th streets. It opens at 5 am. Its not even listed. You can eat slick chive and pork steamed dumplings 3 for $1.50 You can get whirled dough, again stuffed with pork and scallions and sometimes steamed bok choy looking very bort – like for$ 1.50 You are in a local resto, and even the Chinese cops stop there. I am often the only  non native in the place, but them seem to know me – since I speak a little Mandarin, and I am there soooo early that they assume I still live in the  area.  I actually make a special trip by taking the N train to 8th avenue, and stay on the same side as the station till I get to 8th ave and 58th street. Right past the newstand. If you cross to 57th street- you have gone too far.bort

Mongols and Hooves: When Food Is Fuel no You are not getting this paper for your class

References Retrievable as of March 26, 2011/February 2018 

  1. Weatherford, Jack (2004). “4: Spitting on the Golden Khan “. Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World. Three Rivers Press. p. 81. ISBN 0-609-80964-4 quote by Yelü Chucai  Retrieved online March 2011


2.Genghis Khan: The History of the World Conqueror. By Ata-Malik Juvaini. Translated by J. A.Boyle. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997. Retrieved online March 2011 www.archive.org/stream/historyoftheworl011648mbp/historyoftheworl011648 mbp_djvu.txt pg 608  no kidding it takes time to load

  1. Rossabi, Morris (1994) “All the Khan’s Horses,” The Mongols in World History Natural History, October 1994, Asian Topics in World History, Columbia University http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/mongols/main/transcript.pdf pg. 25, retrieved online March 2011

4. Man John (2004). “Genghis Khan: life, death, and resurrection “ pg x:A Note on Spelling .Publisher: New York: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Griffin

http://www.bookswim.com/title/Genghis_Khan_Life_Death_and_Resurrection-779.html Retrieved online (rental book) March 2011

  1. Zhukovskaya, Natalia (2008)”The Milk Food of the Mongolian-Speaking Nomads of Eurasia in a Historical and Cultural Perspective” Center of Asian and Pacific Studies ,Institute of  Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, ActaEthnographicz Hungarica, 52(2), pp. 307-314  http://www.akademiai.com/content/h155452u132l7618/ journal abstractRetrieved online April 2010, March 2011


6.http://www.indiana.edu/~iaunrc/mongol/Mongolian%20Lesson%20Plan.pdf/***Retrieved online March 2011

  1. http://www.thedailyplate.com calorie counter (activity level Active based on average male weight of 165  with range is from 132- 200 lbs. based on forage  capacity)

http://www.livestrong.com/search/?mode=standard&search=kefir (airag) estimate

http://www.livestrong.com/search/?mode=standard&search=goat cheese estimate

http://www.livestrong.com/search/?mode=standard&search=dumpling estimate Retrieved online April 2010, March 2011

  1. http://www.arkagency-naha.com/naha/pdf/energy_cost.pdf retrieved online April 2010, March 2011

9.Tserenpuntsag, Sh.; Davaa, R. Camel breeding in Mongolia Mezhdunarodnyi Selskokhoziaistvennyi Zhurnal.3: 107-108. 1967. Note: In Russian (Cyrillic). NAL Call no.: 20 M57

Descriptors: camel management, husbandry, breeding and reproduction, Mongolia.

Retrieved online March 2011 www.nal.usda.gov/awic/pubs/Camels/camels.htm

Have blast reading a primary text here:

  1. Rockhill , William Woodville, editor  “The Journey Of William Of Rubrick to the Eastern Parts of the World 1253-55 as narrated by himself   with two accounts of the earlier journey of John of Plan de Carpine/ translated from the Latin” (1900)   London Haklut Society , digitized and checked against the Jackson translation April 2002

http://depts.washington.edu/silkroad/texts/rubruck.html retrieved April 2010

feel free to navigate within the above…


11. http://www.mongoluls.net/ger/meatmilk.shtml retrieved April 2010, March2011 Borts recipe retrieved online April 2010

http://www.mongoluls.net/ger/meatmilk.shtml This recipe is taken from Ger Magazine- before published on the internet, but the magazine is currently unavailable. As these articles have been of help to many, we have provided them online here. For any copyright requests please contact us: mail@inmongolia.com

Bamboo steamer basket or a colander see 8th ave N train to 59 st Brooklyn there are several Kitchen supply Stores ,starting with 60th street and 8th avenue and on 8th avenue in the 40s.

NY Buuz  – Mongolian Chinese- Jaizoi Easy to make – and Fun to Eat!



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Sugar science on Berber cuisine as experienced by Me (also published in Detroitgetlucky.blogspot.com)

Berber cuisine

 as experienced by me  in the Detroit Metro Area

Number two  in a series of  Food analysis in the Metro D

As of this article Your culinary journey has started at  beta of   the alpha bet – B for Berber (Morocco)


Posted on October 16, 2017 by sugarscience by Margo the Foodie


 and thanks to wikipedia  for the summary  below:

Although they are the original inhabitants of North Africa, Berbers lived in very contained communities and in spite of various incursions by PhoeniciansRomansByzantinesArabsOttomans and French. Having been subject to limited external influences, these populations lived free from factors making for acculturation. (Not melting pot, not assimilation, not persecution. Wow.

Very simply  in Morocco , Berbers are respected – they are the originals .

The acculturation is best explained by this quote from metrotimes.com : ” Morocco is a cultural crossroads and that’s reflected in its food with identifiable elements of Iberian, Mediterranean, North African Jewish, and Berber cuisine.”    africa map

The Berber cuisine is considered as a traditional cuisine which evolved little in the course of time. Couscous and Tagine are the principal dishes for special feasts, celebrations, etc within the means of everyone.

And in your case lucky metropolitan Detroit – you can hit up Casablanca in Ypsilanti – on your way to an Ann Arbor weekend. The non tailgate weekend. Lets call it the visit the library to do research on the family history weekend. You must stop here. It will save you the plane ticket to the  Levant Casablanca  , which is the Detroit of Morocco in a business sense.  Having wandered its souks speaking French and eating  fish figs and filo bread (baklava) and knowing that I cannot reproduce these flavors I found this place .



2333 Washtenaw Ave, Ypsilanti



Berber cuisine differs from one area to another within North Africa. Thus, it is not easy to speak about a typically Berber cuisine. A classification is essential, in order to emphasize the specificities of each Berber group. Zayanes of the region of Khénifra around the Middle Atlas have a cuisine of a remarkable but tasty simplicity. It is based primarily on corn, barley, ewe’s milk, goat cheese, butter, honey, meat, and game.

couscous dishcoucous

Tajine dishtagine


The principal Berber food is:

  • Mechoui or lamb barbecue – a whole sheep roasted in lambbbqartisanal ovens, designed especially for this use. The sheep is coated with natural butter, which makes it tastier. This dish is mainly designed to be served at festivities.
  • I personally had this as a  guest after Ramadan, while visiting a friend in Marrakesh.
Marrakesh main square- the Medina
This is a UNESCO world Heritage site. Its a giant street fair.
The party starts at sundown
You have got to go…just for the fresh squeezed OJ and sweets
which are also available at Casablanca Ypsilanti
the square morroccohttps://www.tripadvisor.com/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g293734-d324126-i196435068-Medina_of_Marrakesh-Marrakech_Marrakech_Tensift_El_Haouz_Region.html


The Holidays are coming :  Couscous and Tagine are the principal dishes for special feasts, celebrations, etc within the means of everyone. Try it for Thanksgiving ,as a great way to serve rice with some flavor. It is so easy to make– here is a recipe.  Of course you can find couscous at Target  and Walmart.

But you could go to  Casablanca , and get appetizers , etc.. 

 Trip Advisor link for this metropolitan restaurant here 

Labels: cookculinaryDetroitmenurestaurant




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Part 1 of a series : Food Map of Detroit –the non gentrified version

Food Map of Detroit –the non gentrified version  part 1 of a series

Also appears in https://detroitgetlucky.blogspot.com

What does that mean  the non gentrified version? Well lets explore all the food venues that hung in there after the factory closed, a la Detropia  Like that bar that still makes soul food next to the Jefferson plant, (see the movie) this is a salute to food you can take home because its economical and tastes even better the next day.


SOme of these places are using locally sourced gardens now. Some of this is organic, but all of it requires that you walk some / ride the Dequindre cut – to burn some calories. What is so bad about that?


motor_1446514955359068_6420291857026442515_nthe facebook page to see why people LOVE this place

Motor City Soul Food is in the hood where I grew up.  NorthWest Side, not far from the old Jewish Community Center.  This place reminds me of New Years Day at my Aunts- Hopping John ,(Beans and Rice) ,  Chitterlings , mac and cheese, Collard Greens, fried chicken, potato salad, cornbread, pies, yams … like a church picnic

Motor City Soul Food16832310_1481589655184931_5949270916876107809_n(1)


12700 W 7 Mile Rd
Detroit, Michigan 48235

(313) 863-7685

I grew up near here  from 1965 -1985  but this

joint was not here…It was fun coming back  to the hood  –  I knew the old Karps Drugstore was gone and Tom’s Tavern was still serving suds … if you like dives do stop by  …7 mile near Wyoming


Home Depot  is on the main corner across from Motor City Soul Food MAP

Do not be  surprised by the plexiglass, you get your food and take it home of course. Why ?   It is enough to spend $$$ on the rent/mortgage and the supplies and the food – which is why the place has not changed to satisfy those who need furniture … You should be cool, be hip and buy the product, then take your butt home.


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Herbalist degree or Naturopath degree?


Guest blogger     Angie Goodloe LMT, Herbalist  has her own blog at http://herbalistpath.blogspot.com/2008/02/there-is-no-official-certification-for.html

the following is from her blog where she answered the question about being a herbalist etc…

  • There is nothing wrong with degrees in any subject, there is just not a degree for herbalism in the US that enables you to get a license as an herbalist.


  • Any program that claims a herbalist degree in the US is false advertising. 


  • But Naturopathic Doctors aka ND’s are great! There are 2 places you can receive a ND (Naturopathic Doctor) Here in Portland Oregon- National College of Naturopathic Medicine and Bayster in Washington state.Naturopathic+Therapeutic+Order

 Thanks Angie I will take it from here. I had a MD Podiatrist friend who is now studying CAM (complementary alternative medicine) .  She will be both an ND and a MD before its all said and done! She will also have no problems getting a license to practice medicine, unlike just those with the ND  (Natropathic Doctor of Medicine) 

So you want to study Naturopathic Medicine ?  Check this website:

Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges, 818 18th Street NW, Washington, District of Columbia, 20006, United States, https://www.aanmc.org



Lets suppose you have a lot of folk knowledge. You are into non traditional /alternative healing. You know plants and other natural non processed items facilitate healing. You are pro-herbal . You could be a herbalist.


 An herbalist is not a Doctor (ND, MD, or DC), they do not treat or diagnose disease.   Herbalists are self taught, or worked under another “master” of botanical /healing information in one of the 3 traditions: (1)  Traditional Chinese Medicine, (2) Ayurvedic Medicine  (3) Cultural healing traditions Brujas, Medicine Men/Women etc.. The most sophisticated  healing movement of the late 20th century partially due to AIDS and Cancer is  CAM ( complementary and alternative medicine)


As a herbalist or shop assistant you  can only make suggestions based on the products the doctor stocks Therefor you  need to do a lot of studying so you can direct shoppers to the product and justify its price based on  studies  and has a high probability of working… Medicine is an art not a science… even Herbal medicine is an art and not a science…

“That  being said if you really want to know what you are doing; If you want to practice as a Doctor in the US you must first receive your ND, DC or MD, if you do not have this and you are practicing as a doctor, you are open for prosecution period, it does not matter what other “formal” education you have received as an herbalist.” (quoting Angie directly)

“There are some other programs out there (other than the official colleges mentioned) that claim to give you a naturopath degree, you can study Naturopathy, but if you do not have the ND after your name you cannot practice as a Doctor”   –(quoting Angie directly )

 no correspondence school can offer a ND, you must go to one of the 8 colleges listed above.(quoting Angie directly  except Angie mentioned the 2 schools in her state here

(I posted all 8 schools in North America )image002

Angie states ” Unless you have passed the board exam by the NABNE get the letters ND after your name you are not recognized by the U.S. Government to practice as a doctor, no matter what professional organization you belong to or what formal education you receive.”

(and I add ) Herbalists are not Doctors or ND’s!!! just want to make this clear ; If anything you the herbalist are like the lab assistant to the Doctor . Your job is easy : selling products he prefers  ,  making the mixes or suggesting products! This  can be made easy for you if a study (abstract) or brochure is posted near the more expensive products that the potential customer can READ FOR THEMSELVES

That way you do not look like you are prescribing!  Of course posting the disclaimer at the site of business  is also wise …

No express or implied warranty (whether of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise) or other guaranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information or content contained in any of the pages in this website or otherwise provided by personal training  on the internet, the writer of this article , or on the training site. No responsibility is accepted and all responsibility is hereby disclaimed for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use or misuse of any information or content or any reliance thereon. It is the responsibility of all users of this website to satisfy themselves as to the medical and physical condition of themselves and their clients in determining whether or not to use or adapt the information or content provided in each circumstance. Notwithstanding the medical or physical condition of each user, no responsibility or liability is accepted and all responsibility and liability is hereby disclaimed for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the use or misuse of any of the information or content in this website, and any and all liability for incidental and consequential damages is hereby expressly excluded.

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